IT Security Services

KRK GlobalSoft delivers a full range of top-tier cybersecurity services and solutions to strengthen your business with operational resilience, flawless data privacy, and robust protection against cyber threats.

IT Security Services

KRK GlobalSoft Standards Compliance Manager covers the entire compliance management lifecycle, from planning to implementing compliance strategy according to multiple international, industry- and company-specific standards & regulations.

Security Assessment

We deliver tailored security assessments to identify and fix your security pain points. The service scope includes information risk and network security assessment, vulnerability scanning, security process validation, and penetration.

Penetration Testing

KRK GlobalSoft develops precise attack vectors and scenarios that are adjusted to your business. The scope of our services includes web, desktop, mobile, network pentesting, and social engineering, as well as assessment of resistance to multi-layered attacks and red teaming (simulated targeted attacks).

Cloud Security

KRK GlobalSoft provides a wide range of dedicated services to protect your cloud or hybrid infrastructure on all levels. Our experts establish robust IAM, effective data loss prevention, implement proactive threat monitoring, and cloud SIEM for coordinated incident response. We also design and implement high-level security roadmaps to enable a perfectly safe cloud migration.

IT Infrastructure Protection

KRK GlobalSoft utilizes high-end tools and solutions to ensure the full-scale protection of your IT infrastructure. We manage and deploy web application firewalls to safeguard your web apps. Additionally, our experts enhance your network security with robust access control, detection of malicious traffic, and fault-tolerant network architecture.


Excellence in Services

Each one of us has something in mind when we decide on getting web or mobile development,
and our process includes the steps that turn your imagination into reality.

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